W e propose an adjoint-variable method for design sensitivity analysis of printed circuits and antennas where allowable perturbations in the design parameters are of a discrete type. We extend previous work on the sensitivity analysis of waveguide structures, where changes in the design parameters are stepwise, on-grid volumetric perturbations. Here, we explore the feasibility of such an approach in the case of printedcircuit board problems (with open boundaries) where perturbations relate to the shapes elements of infinitesimal thickness. We propose a complex-variable formulation of our approximate sensitivity analysis that improves its computational efficiency. The proposed technique offers significant increases in efficiency, accuracy, and convergence when compared to traditional sensitivity-analysis techniques. Its implementation is straightforward. The response and its gradient with respect to all possible design parameters are computed with at most two full-wave analyses-of the original and the adjoint problems. It operates on a fixed discretization grid where perturbations of grid nodes are not needed. We illustrate our technique through the sensitivity analysis of a microstrip line and a probe-fed printed patch antenna as well as the optimization of a printed Yagi antenna array.