Natural disasters in a very short time are capable of destroying what man has built using different types of resources, the construction of buildings, houses, etc. In their construction processes, they use different materials in a separate way that mixes and this process give them hardness and resistance to these materials. When they are destroyed they lose their individual properties and become waste; this research aims to make a study of the NEVI-12-MTOP standards, to be able to reuse the debris materials generated by the destruction of the earthquake on April 16. A bibliographic search was carried out related to the use given to waste caused by earthquakes in different countries. In the city of Portoviejo, the largest amount of debris was a concrete waste, and it can be concluded that these materials can be used as sub-base material in the road structures, so the reuse method was proposed. In particular, the characteristics of the residual materials were obtained as a result of the analysis of environmental, economic and material safety feasibility.