The cryptocurrency market has grown significantly, and this quick growth has given rise to scams. It is necessary to put fraud detection mechanisms in place. The challenge of inadequate labeling is addressed in this work, which is a barrier to the training of high-performance supervised classifiers. It aims to lessen the necessity for laborious and time-consuming manual labeling. Some unlabeled data points have labels that are more pertinent and informative for the supervised model to learn from. The viability of utilizing unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms and active learning strategies to build an iterative process of acquiring labeled transactions in a cold start scenario, where there are no initial-labeled transactions, is being investigated. Investigating anomaly detection capabilities for a subset of data that maximizes supervised models’ learning potential is the goal. The anomaly detection algorithms under performed, according to the results. The findings underscore the need that anomaly detection algorithms be reserved for situations involving cold starts. As a result, using active learning techniques would produce better outcomes and supervised machine learning model performance.