This paper considers several comporientr in the architectwe arid design o / .~.vstem.~ lo di.w-iminate conditions ond ./im the dolo. It./?icz~~se.s on the prohlems of mirsing detections ond red~,ciiig thepossihili?, qfgetrcrating, false pmitive olorms. It tises a case stsdy of0 protective system that detects orcing./bu/ts in pow,er sw,itchhoadv on hoard ships. The result.^ in this puper can he u.sed in man." s-vstems that mr,.st monitor and dctect hazardous events hoth accttratelv mid ulilc miiiimizing .f&e positive olrmns rho/ coii COIISL' hartn/il results. E.romp1e.s include power plants. hospira1.r. computer instullatiom, wvh server.s. mi1itar.v seiI.sors rho/ detect ensemv veliicles, oirwali engininr monitoring. und rel~~ommunicarb,?s.