Connection of the publication with planned research works.The scientific work is a fragment of the scientific topic: «The course of viral and bacterial infections in children, depending on genetic, immunological, metabolic and morphological factors» (state registration number -0120U100609).
Introduction.Chronic viral hepatitis B (CVHB) and C (CVHC) are an important medical and social problem of hepatology at the current stage. According to official data, there are about 2 million people in Ukraine suffering from chronic viral hepatitis. This problem is also relevant among children [1]. CVHB in children who were infected at birth has an asymptomatic course and is characterized by a long immunotolerant phase and does not require routine treatment [2]. However, in patients who were infected during the first years of life, the progression of CVHC is faster [3].According to WHO reports, about 2.2-3.0% of the world's population (130-170 million people) suffer from CVHC [4]. CVHC in children is mostly asymptomatic, in 4-6% it has a progressive course with the development of fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver [5].Scientists conduct researches of assessing the rate of formation of liver fibrosis induced by HBV-and HCVviruses and features of forecasting its development, however, mainly in the adult population [6,7].Along with that, in patients with increasing age and progression of liver fibrosis, the manifestations of clinical symptoms of asthenic, astheno-vegetative, hemorrhagic and dyspeptic syndromes, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly syndrome, extrahepatic manifestations, as well as psycho-emotional, somatopsychic and somatoform disorders are increasing.At the same time, the prevalence of HCV infection in respondents with mental and psychiatric disorders varies from 8% to 31%, which is significantly higher than