Alternative mechanisms of generation of the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) excited in the ionosphere by high-power radio waves are analyzed on the basis of measurements of the SEE spectra obtained during the pump-wave frequency sweeping near the forth (n = 4) and fifth (n = 5) harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency nf ce [1] and their comparison with the existing physical models. A method for determination of the magnetic field strength and plasma density near the double-resonance region in the ionosphere is developed. It is shown that the generation of the broad upshifted maximum (BUM) feature in the SEE spectrum should occur several kilometers below the double-resonance altitude. A role of high-frequency plasma modes and small-scale magnetic field-aligned irregularities, excited under ionosphere pumping by a highpower radio wave, in the formation of SEE spectra is demonstrated. It is shown that the difference in the emission intensities for f 0 nf ce and f 0 > nf ce is related to different regions (altitudes) at which the plasma waves exist in these cases.