associated hormones, hormones of the fetoplacental complex, pregnant womendisplaced persons Ключові слова: вагітність, стрес-асоційовані гормони, гормони фетоплацентарного комплексу, вагітніпереміщені особи Ключевые слова: беременность, стресс-ассоциированные гормоны, гормоны фетоплацентарного комплекса, беременные женщины-перемещенные лица Abstract. Features of hormonal function in pregnant women-displaced persons. Zhabchenko I.A., Korniets N.G., Tertychna-Telyuk S.V. Harmonious and stable psycho-emotional state of pregnant women is an important condition of successful pregnancy course, fetal development and physiological childbirth. People are facing various problems related to mental health that vary from psycho-emotional stress to the mental disorders. Important factors that determine the physiology of pregnancy are the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant and fetoplacental complex. Among the consequences of severe stress during pregnancy is dizziness, tachycardia, trembling of limbs, elevated arterial pressure, unmotivated increase in nervousness and anxiety, sleep disorder, depression that lead to worsening of general condition of a future mother. The purpose of the study was to determine changes in the production of placental hormones and stress-associated hormones in pregnant women-displaced persons. To carry out the study, a randomised dynamic prospective clinical-paraclinical examination of 96 pregnant women (the main group)displaced persons and 39 pregnant women (control group), who lived permanently in the territory of Ukraine under control, with gestation period after 22 weeks was used. Concentration of stress-associated (cortisol and prolactin) and placental (estradiol, progesterone, placental lactogen) hormones in serum was determined by solid-phase immunoassay. Increased estradiol concentrations and relative reductions in progesterone and placental lactogen, displacement of estrogen-progesterone equilibrium toward relative hyperestrogeny, increase in the concentration of stress-associated hormones were observed. The revealed hormonal and metabolic disorders in pregnant women, internally displaced persons, are biochemical markers of placental dysfunction, which testifies to the expediency of a comprehensive preconceptional preparation with the involvement of a psychologist and inclusion of preventive measures in the form of long-term progesterone support during pregnancy in the program of antenatal observation of such women. Реферат. Особенности гормональной функции у беременных-перемещенных лиц. Жабченко И.А., Корниец Н.Г., Тертычная-Телюк С.В. Гармоничное и стабильное психоэмоциональное состояние беременных женщин является важным условием успешного течения беременности, развития плода и физиологических родов. Люди сталкиваются с различными проблемами, связанными с психическим здоровьем,