Recently, much attention has been paid to the concept introduced to the scientific community by the prominent American epidemiologist Alvan R. Feinstein - "comorbidity" (Latin co - together, morbus - disease). In his understanding, comorbidity demonstrates the combination of two and/or more chronic diseases in one patient, which are interconnected by pathophysiological mechanisms, and simultaneously manifest themselves in one patient, regardless of the degree of activity of each of them. At the same time, comorbidity leads to the formation of new mechanisms of disease development, the unfolding of an additional clinical picture and the addition of complications and courses that are not characteristic of the underlying disease, with a significant negative impact on the quality and duration of life of patiens. Among all patients with comorbidities, patients with cardiovascular risk have been and remain one of the most difficult among all categories of patients. One or other comorbidity can prognostic allylead to a deterioration in the patient's functional state and increase probability of life-threatening risks. Providing proper medical careto patients with comorbidities requires additional economic expenses in the health care system in order to ensure a comprehensive diagnostic procedure and treatment algorithm. To improve the prognosis of patients with comorbidities and reduce the economic burden on the health care system, it is necessary touse a multicomplex approach at the stages of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of major non-communicable diseases that mainly form comorbidity.