BACKGROUND: Assessing clinical manifestations in patients during the period of destabilization of the course of coronary artery disease after COVID-19 coronavirus infection remains a clinical problem. Identifying features of coronary artery lesions in such patients will help to prevent the development of complications and may influence the tactics of active dynamic monitoring.
AIM: To evaluate the structure of coronary artery lesions and clinical manifestations in patients with acute coronary syndrome that developed within 6 months after COVID-19 new coronavirus infection.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comparative analysis of the results of coronary artery stenting in 157 patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome has been carried out. The 1st group included 69 patients who had COVID-19 (vaccinated — 24.6%) during the 6 months preceding acute coronary syndrome; in the 2nd — 88 patients without a history of COVID-19 (vaccinated — 42%). All the patients had drug-eluting stents implanted in the infarct-related artery. Long-term results have been observed in 151 (96.2%) patients.
RESULTS: Before the development of acute coronary syndrome, dispnoe was more often observed in patients of the 1st group (36; 52%) than in patients of the 2nd group (13; 14.8%). There were no focal neurological symptoms in the patients of both groups. Dizziness more often preceded acute coronary syndrome in the patients of the 1st group (26; 38.2%) compared to the control group (5; 5.7%). Decreased motivation and fatigue were detected in 27 (67.5%) patients in the 1st group, which was more common than in the 2nd group (13; 32.5%). Acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation was treated in 47 % and 38.6% of the patients in the 1st groups and the 2nd, respectively. The development of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation with previous clinical manifestations of post-covid syndrome in the 1st group was observed in 95.8%, whereas in the absence of post-covid syndrome in 53.3%. The mean value of LVEF in patients who had COVID-19 was 55.9 ± 14%, which was significantly lower than in the patients in the control group (63.2 ± 5.5%; р 0.001). During the course of coronavirus infection in the patients in the first group, lung damage of degrees I–II according to CT scan data was observed in 76.8% of the patients and in 23.2% of degrees III–IV. The frequency of lesions of the circumflex branch in the 1st group was 15.9%, in the 2nd — 11.4% (р = 0.403); of the right coronary artery — 33.3%, and 22.7% (р = 0.41); of the diagonal branch — 5.8%, and 3.4% (р = 0.47); of the left main coronary artery — 5.8%, and 6.8% (р = 0.79), of the left anterior descending branch — 52.2%, and 35.2% (р = 0.033), respectively. The incidence of vasospastic angina in the 1st group was 53.6%, in the 2nd — 15.9% (р 0.0001). ST segment elevation in lead AVR as a manifestation of subendocardial ischemia was registered in the 1st group — 40.6%, the 2nd — 11.4% (р 0.0001). All the patients had drug-eluting stents implanted in the infarct-related artery. Overall survival (in-hospital and long-term) was 100% for the first group and 100 % for the second one.
CONCLUSIONS: In the structure of coronary arteries lesions after COVID-19 new coronavirus infection in patients with acute coronary syndrome, damage to the anterior interventricular artery dominates (52.2%). The likelihood of having a left anterior descending lesion during the development of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation in patients who have had COVID-19 is 1.5 times higher. The structure of clinical manifestations after COVID-19 in patients before the development of acute coronary syndrome is dominated by shortness of breath (52 %) and decreased motivation and fatigue (67.5 %).