539.3For weakly compressible elastic helically orthotropic laminated cylinders loaded by internal impulsive pressure under conditions of plane deformation, we perform the numerical investigation of the character of convergence of one-dimensional wave solutions to the analytic relations for incompressible thick-walled shells obtained earlier by the author. An approximate engineering analytic procedure is proposed for the evaluation of the dynamic stress-strain state of inhomogeneous helically reinforced thick-walled cylindrical shells.We study the convergence of the wave solutions for cylinders made of weakly compressible materials [such that condition (12) is satisfied and υ ij approach the values specified by relation (7)] to the analytic relations deduced in [1] and valid under the assumption of incompressibility by using the numerical methods of integration of hyperbolic boundary-value problems. For this purpose, we consider a two-layer spirally orthotropic cylinder with inner radius R 1 = 0.1 m, outer radius R 2 = 0.12 m, and the following equal thicknesses of the layers: h hThe layers are made of the same orthotropic composite material with different angles of reinforcement (directions of the principal axes of anisotropy). Thus, for the inner layer, we have α π 1 6 = − and, for the outer layer, α π 2 3 = . The physicomechanical characteristics of the composite material are as follows [2]: E E x r = =14,000 MPa, E ϕ = 56,000 MPa, G xϕ = 5700 MPa, and ρ = 2000 kg/m 3 . In this case, condition (12) is satisfied for both layers. The outer surface of the shell is free of loads [P t 2 0 ( ) ≡ ]. The inner surface is subjected to the action of an impulsive pressure P t Q e H t t T 1 0 ( ) ( ), = − (34)where T = − 10 5 s and H t ( ) is the Heaviside function. A load of type (34) with discontinuity on the leading edge is a typical impact load created by shock waves formed as a result of detonation of some types of explosives [3,4].For incompressible composite materials, the values of the coefficients of transverse deformation υ ij are specified, according to (7), as follows: υ ϕ x = 0 125 . , υ ϕr = 0 5 . , and υ rx = 0 875 , .For weakly compressible composite materials, we set υ ϕ x = 0 12 . , υ ϕr = 0 48 . , and υ rx = 0 87 . . In the case of compressible composite materials [2], the corresponding coefficients are equal to υ ϕ x = 0 07 . , υ ϕr = 0 28 . , and υ rx = 0 4 . . For the incompressible cylinder under load (34), the function Y t ( ) from relation (18) takes the form Y t Q T M T e t t T t T