Subject. This article discusses the problems of financing Russian healthcare and those related to the achievement of the targets of the specialized National Project Healthcare in 2024.
Objectives. Based on the study of the Federal budget structure over time, as well as the results achieved within the framework of the implementation of the National Project Healthcare and the opinions of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, the article aims to find the main trend and the main problems of government financing of the industry.
Methods. For the study, we used the historical method, analysis, systematization, and forecasting.
Results. The article finds that the reduction in the budgets of national and federal projects related to healthcare in recent years is caused by objective reasons, but the paradigm of access to high-quality medical care for every Russian not only remains unchanged, but also receives proper government funding and high-quality development in accordance with the needs of modern society.
Conclusions and Relevance. The problem of the lack of public sources to finance Russian healthcare has existed for a long time and, therefore, is not unexpected. In 2024, a budget sequestration is planned in conditions when at the end of 2023 the actual budget deficit exceeded the planned figure. In the context of the trend towards a decrease in public funding and taking into account the fact that 2024 is the year of the end of the National Project Healthcare, the achievement of the planned social development goals is at risk. The results of the study can be applied in the educational environment of higher education, in the scientific field, as well as for the development of new tools of government social and budgetary policies.