Feed additives and means of probiotic and prebiotic action, enzyme drugs, therapeutic and prophylactic additives of complex action aimed at stimulating non-specific immunity, prevention and treatment of mixed gastrointestinal infections and digestive disorders are an alternative to antibiotics. Domestic scientists have developed a new feed probiotic, Enzymsporin, which contains a complex of lyophilized spore-forming bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis in a concentration of 5×10 9 CFU/g, which causes a wide range of product action against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of the work was to study a new probiotic complex with antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties as an alternative to the use of antibiotic-containing drugs in feeding of growing and fattening young pigs. The effectiveness and feasibility of using the probiotic complex Enzymsporin in the diets of growing and fattening young pigs in a comparative aspect with the antibiotic-containing drug Virginiamycin has been studied. It has been proved on the base of zootechnical, physiological, biochemical and economic research methods that the optimal dosage for the introduction of the probiotic complex Enzymsporin into compound feed for growing young pigs is 0,5 kg/t. We recommend pig breeding farms to input in the diet of growing and fattening young pigs probiotic complex Enzymsporin in the amount of 0,5 kg/t, which helps to stimulate metabolism and leads to better use of feed, increases the livability of livestock and economically justified. The use of probiotic complex has a pronounced biological effect in the growth and livability of piglets during rearing, contributes to increasing the profitability of pig production.