P:50% F) were superimposed at22 d of age on the mineral treatments. DCP ad libitum resulted in increased Ca and P intake, reduced Ca:aP ratio, reduced body weights, at 21 d only, higher overall mortality, incidence and severity of tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and total leg abnormalities and (numerically) lower monetary returns. Roasters fed pelleted grower and finisher diets were heavier, at 51 d only, had (numerically) poorer feed conversion, higher incidence and severity of TD and a higher incidence of mortality due to Sudden Death Syndrome (sDS) compared with mash-fed birds. The effect of feed texture had significant trends on body weight (51 d only), DCp, Ca, P and aP intake, Ca:aP ratio, angular deformity of the tibia, TD and SDS. Although mean monetary returns were not significantly affected (P>0.05) by the feed texture treatments applied, mash-fed birds realized on average 9.5e per bird more than birds fed pellets. Roasters raised on mash diets after 22 d reached market weight of 3.2 kg rn /u d.