“…First‐order morphological features of Harrat Uwayrid are also consistent with geophysical models of laminar lithospheric removal: the upper lithosphere in areas undergoing lithospheric removal will initially experience a >∼120 m depression as the lower lithosphere begins to be removed; after detachment, topographic rebound may return the elevation to heights greater than the unperturbed level (Elkins‐Tanton, 2005). These predictions are met at several localities that are interpreted to have experienced recent lithospheric removal (e.g., Ethiopia: Bowden et al., 2022; the Anatolian Plateau: Gall et al., 2021, Göğüş et al., 2017). The youngest volcanism at Harrat Uwayrid is restricted to topographic depressions, most notably the ∼60 km across, ∼200 m deep Al Jaww in the center of the harrat (Figure 2).…”