Fully non-inductive discharges are performed on the Tore Supra tokamak using Lower Hybrid (LH) waves in a current drive scheme. The MHD aspect is a crucial issue for these discharges, since after hitting an MHD limit it may run into a regime where a strong permanent MHD activity develops. This so-called MHD regime [Maget04] degrades fast electron confinement as well as LHCD efficiency and electron confinement in the plasma core. In the 2003 campaign, a milestone has been reached with the injection of more than 1 GJ of energy in the tokamak, in stationary discharges lasting more than 6 minutes. But the MHD regime has been encountered in several discharges, while the record discharges have shown a very stationary (m=3, n=2) MHD activity in the plasma core without triggering the MHD regime (see figure 1).With the exploration of several global parameters such as the toroidal magnetic field (B), the parallel refractive index of LH waves (n // ) and the total plasma current (I p ), a map of MHD properties for fully non-inductive discharges has been drawn. This is achieved by extrapolating in I p reference magnetic equilibriums from stationary pulses, while imposing a constant shape of pressure and current profiles, and a poloidal beta β p~1 /I p . Note that in the experimental conditions explored, the LH deposition profile is globally peaked, but hollow in the very core, and the region of reversed magnetic shear extends while n // increases.Linear stability properties are investigated with the CASTOR code [Kerner89], which gives the linear growth rate of resistive MHD modes in toroidal geometry. They show the existence of stable domains for q min >2 and for 1.5>q min >1, in agreement with the analysis of past experiments [Wijnands94, Litaudon96, Zabiego01]. But most of the explored domain is MHD unstable, including the point where the record pulses have been performed with a remarkable reliability (see figure 2). Saturated tearing modes are indeed observed in several cases without triggering the deleterious MHD regime.Considering the non-linear evolution of MHD modes is necessary for discrimination between harmless saturated modes and the MHD regime. A particular pulse where a slow ramp down of the total plasma current was performed up to the triggering of the MHD regime allows to identify the mechanism of transition. It can be attributed to the full reconnection of the double tearing mode, which flattens the electron temperature profile up to the outer resonant surface. Its condition of occurrence can be estimated from the calculation of the helical flux relative to the resonant surface q=m/n: ( ) q n m d − = ∫ / * ψ ψ . The full reconnection happens when ψ * is close to zero at the outer resonant surface [Carreras79]. The domain where the MHD regime can be triggered is therefore approximately given by the condition m/n>q min >q( ) 0 * = outer ψ. Such an evaluation is consistent with the experimental points where the MHD regime is indeed triggered (see figure 3), although a safe interval exists for q min slightly belo...