Sbme studies have indicated that PGs can modulate the single nephron tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) response. The aim of this study was to define the specific role of the vasoconstrictor PG, TX, by administration to rats of either vehicle (group 1; n = 20) or drugs that inhibit either cyclooxygenase (indomethacin lindol, 5 mg * kg-', group 2, n = 17), TX synthetase 485 [UK], 100 mg kg-', group 3, n = 19), or TX receptors 548 [SQJ, group 4, n = 14,953 [L, 50 mg. kg-', group 5, n = 8). Indo reduced excretion of the prostacyclin derivative 6-keto-PGF14, and TXB2 and lowered whole kidney GFR and renal plasma flow, whereas UK lowered excretion of TXB2 only and did not change basal renal hemodynamics. The TGF response (assessed from reduction in proximal tubule stop-flow pressure (Pf, mmHg) during increases in perfusion of the loop of Henle (LH) from 0 to 40 nl* min-') was unchanged after vehicle (9.8±0.5-10.9±1.0, NS) but blunted (P < 0.001) by 40-65% in rats of groups 2-5 (indo, 11.1±1.0-4.4±0.7; UK, 9.0±0.8-4.8±0.7; SQ, 10.3±0.6-4.8±0.6; L, 10.7±0.5-6.7±13). This blunting was due to lower values for Pdf at zero LH flow after indo, SQ, and L, and higher values of Pf at 40 nl. min'1 LH flow after indo and UK. The fall in single nephron GFR (SNGFR, nl min-1) with increasing LH perfusion was unchanged after vehicle (10.9±2.8-11.2±0.8) but was blunted (P < 0.05) by 45-55% in rats given indo (13.9±1.2-6.2±2.2) or UK (12.8±2.1-7.0±1.5). UK produced dose-dependent reductions in TXB2 excretion (IC50, 15 mg * kg-lJ and inhibition of the TGF response (IC5o: 30 mg-kg-'). After blockade of TX receptors by SQ, UK had no further affect on the TGF response. The fall in Pf at high LH flow was blunted (P < 0.05) by indo and UK, whereas the rise in Pf at zero LH flow was blunted by indo, SQ, and L.