Artificial drainage systems are used worldwide to remove excess water or to ascertain sufficient leaching of salts in irrigated crop lands in (semi-)arid regions (van der Molen et al., 2007). Focusing on temperate climates, considerable areas of agricultural land (roughly 10% of the rain fed agriculture) are drained via surface or subsurface measures (Smedema et al., 2004). An often used method is subsurface installation of corrugated tile drains, for example in the US and Europe (e.g., Schilling et al., 2015;Sloan et al., 2016). These drainage systems lower the field scale groundwater level, which ensures sufficient oxygen supply to crop roots, trafficability and many other benefits for crop growth optimization (Skaggs, Fausey, & Evans, 2012;Sloan et al., 2016). Agricultural production has benefitted greatly from improved drainage (Smedema et al., 2004). However, the focus regarding tile drainage in the temperate zone has also shifted toward its negative side effects such as eutrophication of surface water with N and P due to shorter groundwater travel times, changing hydrological behavior on a catchment scale and changing (aquatic) ecosystems (Ross et al., 2016;Schilling et al., 2015;Sloan et al., 2016). Also over-drainage frequently occurs, if too much water is drained from the soil during wet periods. Soil water storage is then depleted much faster during the following growing season, which results in crop water shortage (Smedema et al., 2004). The problem of over-drainage will likely become more prominent in some of the mid-latitude regions with the tendency toward drier summers, in combination with more extreme and irregular precipitation events (Rowell, 2009;Spinoni et al., 2018).Changes to the drainage system can be adopted to limit adverse effects of artificial drainage. Instead of employing a fixed drainage base, which for a regular drainage system is the drain installation depth, the drainage base could be allowed to fluctuate by placing control structures at drainage system outlets. This allows to choose for a reduction or complete cessation of water and nutrient discharge via drains toward surface waters. This practice is referred to as controlled drainage (CD) or drain water management (DWM) (Ross et al., 2016;Skaggs, Fausey, & Evans, 2012), as opposed to free flowing, regular drainage (RD). Controlled drainage is increasingly being implemented in the US and Europe (Ross et al., 2016). An overview by Ross et al. (2016) shows that total drain water outflow is on average reduced by nearly 50% using controlled drainage (based on 17 studies in the US) as compared to regular drainage. This is in agreement with values mentioned by Skaggs, Fausey, and Evans (2012), that range from 18% to 85% reduction, as well as with values reported in several other studies (e.g.,