We present a model of plant-nutrient interactions that extends classical resource competition theory to environments in which essential nutrients (resources) are recycled between plant and soil pools and dissolved nutrients are lost through plant-available (i.e., inorganic forms) or plant-unavailable (i.e., complex organic forms) pathways. Losses by dissolved organic pathways can alter ratios of nutrients that are recycled and supplied within the plant-soil system, thereby influencing competition and coexistence among plant species. In special cases, our extended model does not differ from classical models, but in more realistic cases our model introduces new dynamical behavior that influences competitive outcomes. At equilibrium, coexistence still depends on nutrient supply and consumption, but nutrient supply includes recycling and is highly sensitive to whether a species promotes more organic losses of the nutrient that limits its own growth than of nutrients that limit its competitors. Because recycling operates with a time delay compared with consumption, recycling-mediated effects on competition can, under certain conditions, lead to sustained population oscillations. Our findings have implications for how we understand nutrient competition, nutrient cycles, and plant evolutionary strategies.plant competition ͉ recycling ͉ biogeochemistry ͉ nutrient losses ͉ evolution E ssential resources, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, can limit primary production of individual plants as well as entire ecosystems (1-2) and can play an essential role in plant community assembly (3-6). Therefore, understanding plantnutrient interactions constitutes a major challenge for plant community ecology and ecosystem biology.Classical models (3, 6) of exploitative competition in plant communities have long assumed that individual plants affect the abundance of nutrients only through consumption (7-9). The system of interest involves two classes of nutrients that define two functionally different compartments ( Fig. 1a): nutrients that are bound within plant biomass and inorganic nutrients (e.g., NO 3 Ϫ or PO 4 3Ϫ ) that are available for immediate plant uptake in the environmental matrix. For simplicity, the system is usually assumed to follow simple chemostat resource supply dynamics that do not incorporate species-specific effects on recycling, nutrient loss, and other such factors (9).Plant-nutrient interactions have been extensively studied from this perspective (7-10). The impact of plants on nutrients, mediated through consumption, can be illustrated (Fig. 1b) by using the traditional graphical method of the resource-ratio theory (3). If several plant species compete for two nutrients, this graphical method provides a convenient way to predict competitive outcomes as a function of nutrient supplies (3, 4, 11).On the contrary, ecosystem biology considers consumption as only one part of a larger plant-nutrient system in which nutrients cycle between plants and their environment (11-13) (Fig. 1c). This approach typically focuses ...