The importance of Brazil for the International Trade of poultry productsinduces legislators and interested companies to pay special attention to complyingwith international standard quality requirements. One of these requirements is thesuppression of the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in poultry, as in the strategyof their use as a growth promoter. To meet this demand, the study of short-chainorganic acids becomes interesting and their review essential. As good examples forthe issue described, short chain organic acids such as citric acid, fumaric acid, sorbicacid and malic acid are extremely important due to their antimicrobial qualities,accessibility, and international acceptance. In addition to the individual effect, theblend of acids, that is, the association of acids for the role of growth promoter orperformance enhancer, combines acids that act synergistically, enhancing theirqualities. This study aims to address the physicochemical characteristics, effects, and qualities of short-chain organic acids, as well as their associated effects,encouraging further work that fils the scientifi gaps in empirical knowledgeabout these additives.