“…Jundiá Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard), an opportunistic omnivore, which has a varied diet that includes molluscs, crustaceans, fish, insects, detritus, algae and weeds (Castro & Casatti ; Kütter, de Azevedo Bemvenuti & Moresco ), has a short intestine and utilizes dietary carbohydrates less efficiently than other omnivores (Oliveira‐Filho & Fracalossi ; Moro, Camilo, Moraes & Fracalossi ; Rodrigues, Gominho‐Rosa, Cargnin‐Ferreira, de Francisco & Fracalossi ). However, tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L., a typical omnivore, which feeds predominantly on algae, plants and phytoplankton, has a long intestine and can tolerate and utilize higher levels of dietary carbohydrate (Leenhouwers, Pellikaan, Huizing, Coolen, Verreth & Schrama ).…”