The use of palm polysaccharides in broiler diet as a feed additive has recently been reported with promising results. A study was conducted to determine the use of palm polysaccharides in broiler diets when the birds were challenged with E. coli. A total of 32 unsexed broilers, with the similar body weight (1400-1480 g) was selected and used in this study as experimental birds. The birds were kept in the individually metabolism cages for 2 weeks. Feed and and water were available at all times. The diet was formulated to meet the nutrients need for grower chickens. Four different types of feed additives (Control, palm kernel polysaccharides, copra polysaccharides, antibiotic avilamycin), with and without E. coli challenge were used in this study. The birds were challenged with E.coli for three consecutive days (days 8 to 10), after a week of adaptation period. A completely randomised factorial design was used with the first factor is feed additive (Control, palm kernel polysaccharides, copra polysaccharides, antibiotic avilamycin), the second factor is two types of E. coli challenge (with or without E. coli challenge) and four replications. Differences among treatmens found were further tested with Tukey test. The results indicated that the supplementation of feed aditives (palm kernel polysaccharides, copra polysaccharides and avilamycine) improved body weight gain, FCR and excreta dry matter. The birds challenged with E. coli produced lower body weight gain and feed intake. Interaction between type of feed additives and E. coli challenge was found in body weight gain, feed intake, FCR and excreta dry matter. In conclusion, feed additives improved the quality of the diet and E. coli challenge had detrimental effect on bird performance. There was an interaction between type of feed additives and E. coli challenge on body weight gain, feed intake, FCR and excreta dry matter.