Abstract. In this work we propose an original implementation of a large family of lowest-order methods for diffusive problems including standard and hybrid finite volume methods, mimetic finite difference-type schemes, and cell centered Galerkin methods. The key idea is to regard the method at hand as a (Petrov-)Galerkin scheme based on possibly incomplete, broken affine spaces defined from a gradient reconstruction and a point value. The resulting unified framework serves as a basis for the development of a FreeFEM-like domain specific language targeted at defining discrete linear and bilinear forms. Both the back-end and the front-end of the language are extensively discussed, and several examples of applications are provided. The overhead of the language is evaluated by comparing with a more traditional implementation. A benchmark including the comparison with more classical finite element methods on standard meshes is also proposed.Key words. Domain specific embedded language, finite volume methods, cell centered Galerkin methods, Petrov-Galerkin methods AMS subject classifications. 65N08, 65N30, 65Y051. Introduction. Lowest-order methods possibly featuring conservation of physical quantities are traditionally employed in industrial applications where computational cost is a crucial issue. In this context, the use of general polyhedral, possibly nonconforming meshes commends itself for a number of reasons. To cite a few: (i) remeshing can be avoided or postponed in problems that involve mesh deformation -e.g. in sedimentary basin modeling non-standard elements and nonconformities can appear due to the erosion of geological layers; -(ii) the number of degrees of freedom can be reduced by aggregative coarsening techniques -cf. [7] for an application in the context of discontinuous Galerkin (dG) methods; -(iii) geometrical features can be represented more accurately without unduly increasing the number of mesh elements.Handling general polyhedral meshes requires numerical schemes that possess the usual properties of stability and consistency. In the context of cell centered finite volume methods, a popular way to achieve consistency on general polyhedral meshes is provided by Multipoint Finite Volume schemes independently introduced by Aavatsmark, Barkve, Bøe and Mannseth [2] and Edwards and Rogers [22]. The main advantage of multipoint schemes is that they can be easily fitted into existing simulators based on standard finite volume schemes. A major drawback is their lack of stability in some configurations. Two ways of overcoming this difficulty by designing discretizations based on the variational formulation of the problem and featuring cell-and face-unknowns have been proposed by Brezzi, Lipnikov and coworkers [8,9] (Mimetic Finite Difference methods) and by Droniou and Eymard [20] (Mixed/Hybrid Finite Volume methods). In this context, Eymard, Gallouët and Herbin [24] have shown that face unknowns can be selectively used as Lagrange multipliers to enforce flux continuity, or eliminated using a consisten...