Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with nocturnal, productive and dry cough among young adults in Nigeria. Methods: We evaluated 498 subjects, 20-44 years of age, in Ilorin, Nigeria, using the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire, administered by trained interviewers. Results: Nocturnal cough was associated with asthma (OR = 10.87; p < 0.01), nasal allergy (OR = 6.33; p < 0.01), smoking (OR = 3.10; p < 0.01), skilled manual and non-manual work (OR = 2.86 and 2.10, respectively; p < 0.01 for both) and female gender (OR = 1.33; p = 0.17). Productive cough was associated with skilled manual and non-manual work (OR = 3.82 and 3.03, respectively; p < 0.01 for both), smoking (OR = 3.10; p < 0.01), asthma (OR = 3.27; p < 0.01) and nasal allergy (OR = 5.81; p < 0.01). Dry cough was associated with asthma (OR =5.18; p < 0.01) obesity (OR =1.88; p = 0.19), smoking (OR = 1.77; p = 1.44), nasal allergy (OR = 1.45; p = 0.26) and female gender (OR =1.36; p = 0.33). Age, gender, type of residence and obesity were not significantly associated with any type of cough (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Early prevention and treatment of conditions associated with cough, as well as the modification of social factors commonly associated with cough, are needed in order to reduce respiratory morbidity. Resultados: A tosse noturna apresentou associações com asma (OR = 10,87; p < 0,01), alergia nasal (OR = 6,33; p < 0,01), tabagismo (OR = 3,10; p < 0,01), trabalho manual e trabalho não manual especializados (OR = 2,86 e 2,10, respectivamente; p < 0,01 para ambos) e gênero feminino (OR = 1,33; p = 0,17). A tosse produtiva apresentou associações com trabalho manual e trabalho não manual especializados (OR = 3,82 e 3,03, respectivamente; p < 0,01 para ambos), tabagismo (OR = 3,10; p < 0,01), asma (OR = 3,27; p < 0,01) e alergia nasal (OR = 5,81; p < 0,01). A tosse seca apresentou associações com asma (OR =5,18; p < 0,01) obesidade (OR =1,88; p = 0,19), tabagismo (OR = 1,77; p = 1,44), alergia nasal (OR = 1,45; p = 0,26) e gênero feminino (OR =1,36; p = 0,33). A idade, o gênero, o tipo de residência e a obesidade não se associaram significativamente a nenhum tipo de tosse (p > 0,05). Conclusões: A prevenção precoce e o tratamento de condições associadas à tosse, assim como a modificação de fatores sociais comumente associados à tosse, são necessários a fim de reduzir a morbidade respiratória.Descritores: Tosse; Tabagismo; Asma; Rinite; Nigéria. longitude. The minimum sample size was arrived at through the use of a Cochran formula (14) :where N is the sample size, p is the prevalence of cough in Nigeria (taken to be 50%, since the prevalence was unknown), q = (1 − p), Z is the standard normal deviation (usually set at 1.96, which corresponds to the 95% confidence interval), and d is the desired degree of accuracy (set at 0.05 to tolerate a 5% error, N = 384). The minimum sample size was determined to be 368. The study area consists of twelve electoral wards, as defined by the s...