Relatively little is known about the pollination biology or breeding systems of entomophilous plant species in salt-marsh habitats. In the present study, the pollination biology of the perennial halophyte Frankenia pauciflora DC. var. gunnii Summerh. (Frankeniaceae) was investigated in a salt marsh near Goolwa, South Australia. The flowering peak of this species occurs in summer and flowers are visited by a diverse array of insects in the Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. An experiment was performed to test for the presence of pollen limitation in the field. Flowers to which outcross pollen was added produced significantly more fruits and significantly more seeds per fruit than did unmanipulated control flowers. Average seed weight per fruit did not differ significantly between control and pollen-addition flowers. In glasshouse experiments, flowers to which cross-pollen was added produced significantly more fruit than did flowers to which self-pollen was added, suggesting the presence of a facultatively xenogamous breeding system.