The purpose of the study was to explore a comparative analysis of the educational systems of Tunisia and Egypt; and their implications on the USA educational system and their investment in the education of its citizens. Further, this study examined a broad literature review to explore geographical, historical, economic, and political factors affecting Egypt's and Tunisia's educational system. Finally, the study investigated the implications of these two African countries' study on the American Educational System regarding the funding given towards education annually. Irrefutably, these African countries are smaller, have weak political and security provisions, and have less annual revenue than the United States of America. Still, they exert intentional efforts to provide education to their citizens! The study showed that these nations value education and invest more in education than the affluent United States of America. America, though far much capable, does not budget more for education. Still, the leaders give a lot of money to other government institutions, including defense, Housing Development, Health and Human Services, and Veteran's Benefits.