Ultrafast electron diffraction is a unique method for the studies of structural changes of complex molecular systems. In this contribution, we report direct ultrafast electron diffraction study of the evolution of shortlived intermediates in the course of a chemical change. Specifically, we observe the transient intermediate in the elimination reaction of 1,2-diiodotetraf luoroethane (C 2 F 4 I 2 ) to produce the corresponding ethylene derivative by the breakage of two carbon-iodine, COI, bonds. The evolution of the ground-state intermediate (C 2 F 4 I radical) is directly revealed in the population change of a single chemical bond, namely the second COI bond. The elimination of two iodine atoms was shown to be nonconcerted, with reaction time of the second COI bond breakage being 17 ؎ 2 ps. The structure of the short-lived C 2 F 4 I radical is more favorable to the classical radical structure than to the bridged radical structure. This leap in our ability to record structural changes on the ps and shorter time scales bodes well for many future applications in complex molecular systems.Significant progress has already been made in the probing of chemical reactions on the fs time scale. In these femtochemistry (1-4) experiments, the nuclear motions on the time scale of bond breaking and bond making are monitored by using an initiation pulse to establish the zero-of-time (clocking) and probing pulses to view the motion; typical probes are optical and IR spectroscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and nonlinear optical techniques (5). In this laboratory, efforts have been made to include diffraction techniques to map out ultrafast structural changes, especially in complex molecular systems (6, 7). Electron diffraction of molecules in their ground state has been a powerful tool over the past 50 years (8), and both electron and x-ray methods are now being advanced in several laboratories (6,7,(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) for the studies of structural changes. Our focus here and before has so far been on gas-phase ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) of isolated chemical reactions.Elsewhere, we have reported the latest advance in UED (7), by which major challenges were surmounted: the very low number densities of gas samples, the absence of the long-range order that is present in crystals, which enhances coherent interference, and the challenging task of determining in situ the zero-of-time when diffraction changes are on the ps and sub-ps time scale. With UED, molecular structures (17) and branching ratios (18) of final products have been determined on the ps time scale. The diffraction change before and after the chemical reaction was observed (7). However, no direct observation of transient structural changes in the course of the reaction has so far been reported. In this article, we report such observation of the temporal evolution of short-lived intermediates probed with ultrafast electron diffraction.
EXPERIMENTALThe UED experiments were performed in the secondgeneration apparatus dev...