This paper summarizes our recent results on crystalline waveguides and waveguide lasers fabricated by the femtosecond-laser writing technique. Highly efficient waveguide lasers emitting in the near infrared spectral range based on ytterbium and neodymium doped Y 3 Al 5 O 12 with slope efficiencies above 70% and continuous wave output powers of more than 5 W were demonstrated. Furthermore, pulsed laser operation of passively Q-switched Yb:YAG and Nd:YAG wavequide lasers was achieved by incorporating the saturable absorber Cr 4+ :YAG in a monolithic setup. Based on fs-laser written curved structures in Yb:YAG, efficient curved waveguide lasers could be demonstrated. Also, waveguide lasers in the visible spectral range were investigated. We achieved laser emission in the green, orange, red and deep-red spectral region and could demonstrate output powers of more than 1 W with waveguides based on praseodymium doped materials. Additionally, switchable and dual wavelength operation between the orange and red laser emission was achieved. By utilizing the nonlinear crystal KTiOPO 4 as substrate material for fs-laser inscription, nonlinear waveguides were realized. With these devices, efficient second harmonic generation into the blue and green spectral range was achieved.