Sub 100 fs light pulses have been generated in the spectral region between 640 and 660 nm (the shortest duration being 50 fs at 653 nm) by passive mode-locking of a Kiton Red dye laser with the saturable absorber DQTCI.Nearly the whole visible and near infrared range (with some gaps) has been covered by various amplifying dye-saturable absorber combinations yielding femtosecond light pulses in cw passive or hybrid mode locked lasers [1][2][3][4]. Pulse durations below 150 fs were obtained in some of these combinations by group velocity dispersion balanced laser operation [5].In the spectral region around 650 nm sub 100 fs pulse generation has not been reported so far. The longest wavelength achieved by passive mode-locking of a Rhodamine 6G laser was 640 nm [ 6 ]. In this laser 50 fs pulses at 640 nm have been generated by the saturable absorber TCETI. Energy transfer passive mode-locking with an argon ion pump laser has been applied to cover the 652-694 nm region with Rhodamine 6G+Sulforhodamine 101 mixtures as gain medium and DQTCI or DCCI as saturable absorbers [ 7,8 ]. The shortest pulse durations obtained were 58 fs at 685 nm [8] and 120 fs at 666 nm [7]. Applying hybridly mode-locked systems pumped by the second harmonic of Nd:YAG lasers [9,10], pulses of 65 fs duration at 640 nm [9] have been obtained in a Rhodamine 6G/DODCI laser, and pulses of 60 fs duration at 675 nm were generated using Rhodamine 101 or Sulforhodamine 101 as gain media and DQTCI as absorber medium [10]. Subpicosecond Rhodamine B lasers have been operated 1 On leave from the Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, BG-1126 Sofia, Bulgaria.around 650 nm [10][11][12]. Cw passive mode-locking with DQTCI was achieved in the wavelength region of 616-658 nm [11]. However, the shortest duration was 220 fs at 635 nm [11]. Hybrid mode-locking of Rhodamin B lasers resulted in pulses of duration down to 320 fs in the spectral region between 604 and 632 nm when DQTCI or DDBCI were used as saturable absorbers [10,12]. Using Oxazine 720 as saturable absorber pulse durations down to 187 fs were obtained around 649 nm [10].Here we report on passive mode-locking of a Kiton Red laser with the saturable absorber DQTCI [13] producing sub 100 fs pulses in the wavelength region of 640-660 nm. The dyes Kiton Red 620 (Sulforhodamine B, free of sodium) [13,14] and DQTCI (1,3' -diethyl-4,2' -quinolythiacarbocyanine iodide) [13,15] were purchased from Lambda Physik. The fluorescence quantum yield of Kiton Red 620 in ethylene glycol was determined to be