Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of many-body systems is the frontier of condensed matter physics; recent advances in various time-resolved spectroscopic techniques continue to reveal rich phenomena. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) as one powerful technique can resolve electronic energy, momentum, and spin along the time axis after excitation. However, dynamics of spin textures in momentum space remains mostly unexplored. Here we demonstrate theoretically that the photoexcited surface state of genuine or magnetically doped topological insulators shows novel topological spin textures, i.e., tornado-like patterns, in the spin-resolved ARPES. We systematically reveal its origin as a unique nonequilibrium photoinduced topological winding phenomenon. As all intrinsic and extrinsic topological helicity factors of both material and light are embedded in a robust and delicate manner, the tornado patterns not only allow a remarkable tomography of these important system information, but also enable various unique dichroic topological switchings of the momentum-space spin texture. These results open a new direction of nonequilibrium topological spin states in quantum materials.