The novel technique of femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron-photoion coincidence imaging is applied to unravel dissociative ionization processes in a polyatomic molecule. Femtosecond coincidence imaging of CF 3 I photodynamics illustrates how competing multiphoton dissociation pathways can be distinguished, which would be impossible using photoelectron or ion imaging alone. Ion-electron energy correlations and photoelectron angular distributions reveal competing processes for the channel producing (e ÿ CF 3 I). The molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions of the two major pathways are strikingly different. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.123002 PACS numbers: 33.50.Hv, 33.60.Cv, 33.80.Eh, 33.80.Gj Multiphoton excitation in molecular photodynamics enables studies of highly excited states and their complex decay dynamics. Intense femtosecond laser pulses easily induce multiphoton excitation and provide the time resolution needed to study the dynamics. Multiphoton excitation resulting in ionization frequently reveals multiple, complex ionization and fragmentation channels that are not seen in single-photon ionization. Compared to singlephoton ionization, the multiphoton excitation accesses different Franck-Condon factors via resonant intermediate states and changes the probability of multielectron excitation processes. The energetics and vector correlations of dissociative ionization processes can be studied in complete detail using recently developed coincident imaging techniques [1]. Different energetically accessible dissociation channels can be identified from photoelectron-photoion energy correlations. Vector correlations, such as photoelectron angular distributions (PADs), provide information on the symmetry, electronic configuration, and orientation of the molecule as the electron is ejected [2 -5]. So far, photoelectron-photoion coincident (PEPICO) imaging techniques have been mostly applied in ionization studies using one-photon excitation with synchrotron or He(I) radiation [6 -11]. Only recently, first femtosecond time-resolved PEPICO imaging experiments were reported [12,13], and new theoretical frameworks have been developed to study time-resolved photoelectron dynamics [14,15]. In this Letter we use the full potential of time-resolved coincidence imaging to unravel competing ionization and fragmentation processes in multiphoton excited CF 3 I.The CF 3 I molecule is investigated because it exhibits a variety of interesting dissociative ionization processes. It is one of the few polyatomic molecules for which these processes have been previously explored by both single and multiphoton excitation [6,7,16 -18]. In particular, Powis and co-workers have used PEPICO imaging coupled with single-photon ionization sources [e.g. He(I)] to probe the dissociation of theà A 2 A 1 state of CF 3 I and measure molecular-frame PADs (MF-PADs) associated with the CF 3 and I fragments [6]. Here we apply femtosecond time-resolved multiphoton excitation of CF 3 I to the region just below theà A 2 A 1 state of C...