In the community of Casale Monferrato, exposure to asbestos has been an extremely traumatic event that has caused cancer and death and that has affected a variety of social and environmental aspects of the people and community. When an entire community is severely traumatized, psychoanalytic group therapy seems to be the most suitable therapeutic setting: It allows for the historization of the event and the creation of multiple narratives of somatopsychic suffering, producing a transformative effect on non-mentalized emotional aggregates. Making reference to clinical material, I will show how the possibility of sharing, with other minds, the meaning of the trauma has also brought into the field the vital aspects of each participant, which are possibly not very intense in each individual, but consistently present in the functioning of the mind of the group. I will also illustrate how this led to the development of a new and more mature psychic asset, where painful and deadly experiences connected to the trauma could be faced.