“…Access to analytical integrals greatly facilitates the implementation of post‐HF theories, and also guarantees accurate force and Hessian evaluations. - Bagel 136 is a C++ program package that features, for example, analytical complete active space perturbation theory at the second order (CASPT2) nuclear energy gradients and derivative couplings, relativistic multireference wave functions based on the Dirac equation, and implementations of novel electronic structure theories.
- Chronus Quantum 137 is a C++ program package that focuses on the consistent treatment of time dependence and spin in the electronic wave function, as well as the inclusion of relativistic effects in said treatments.
- Dalton 138 is a Fortran program that specializes in molecular properties at various levels of theory, such as frequency‐dependent response properties; one‐, two‐, and three‐photon processes, etc. In addition to HF and DFT, Dalton features several post‐HF methods like multiconfigurational self‐consistent field (MCSCF) theory and coupled‐cluster theory.
- Ergo 139 is a C++ program for linear‐scaling HF and DFT calculations for molecules.
- ERKALE 77 is a C++ program implementing HF and DFT that specializes in the modeling of inelastic X‐ray spectroscopies, self‐interaction corrected DFT, as well as various orbital localization methods.
- e T 140 is a C++ program primarily aimed for coupled‐cluster calculations of molecular systems, which specializes in multiscale and multilevel methods, as well as modern Cholesky decomposition techniques for two‐electron integrals.
- Fermi.jl 141 is a Julia package for HF and post‐HF calculations.
- JuliaChem 142 is a Julia package for HF calculations.
- LSDalton 138 is a Fortran code targeted for linear‐scaling HF and DFT calculations on large molecular systems, and also includes some coupled‐cluster capabilities.
- MolGW 143 is a Fortran/C++ package that implements HF and DFT, but specializes in many‐body perturbation theory: the GW approximation and the Bethe–Salpeter equation.
- MPQC 144 is a C++ program for massively parallel quantum chemistry, which originally focused on HF and DFT but has later evolved support for post‐HF many‐body theories.
- NWChem 83 is a major quantum chemistry package written in Fortran and has a variety of features for both molecular and solid‐state calculations.
- Psi4 78 is a modular C++/Python package for HF, DFT, and various post‐HF calculations that can be used either as a traditional quantum chemistry package with simple and intuitive input files, or as Python modules for running calculations in Python.
- PySCF 80 is a collection of Python modules for electronic structure calculations with significant capabilities also for solid‐state simulations, including, for example, coupled‐cluster implementations for crystalline systems.
- PyQuante 145 is a Python package for quantum chemistry with some C extensions that emphasizes ease of understanding the code over performance.
- OpenMolcas 81 is a Fortran pack...