We have studied the transmission of transverse oscillations through a thin
Fermi liquid film, using Landau's Fermi liquid theory. Fermi liquid theory
describes the dynamics of interacting, degenerate fermion systems, for example
non-superfluid, i.e.\ normal state \textsuperscript{3}He at millikelvin
temperatures. The response of a Fermi liquid to the transverse oscillations of
a planar substrate has previously been calculated for a fluid layer of infinite
thickness. We have modified these calculations for application to a film of
finite thickness, either with a free surface, or as confined between two
parallel substrates. The equations take into account contributions to the
acoustic impedance from both the collective transverse zero sound mode, as well
as the incoherent single-quasiparticle excitations and are solved using
numerical methods.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Updated to published version. Changes in
presentation, no change in result