Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has been commonly applied to evaluate the shape of Fermi surfaces by employing simple criteria for the determination of the Fermi vector kF parallel to the surface such as maximum photoemission intensity at the Fermi level or discontinuity in the momentum distribution function. Here we show that these criteria may lead to large uncertainties in particular for narrow band systems. We develop a reliable method for the determination of Fermi vectors employing high resolution ARPES at different temperatures. The relevance and accuracy of the method is discussed on data of the quasi two dimensional system TiTe2.A wide variety of physical phenomena of crystalline materials, such as e. g. transport, optical and magnetic response, and phase transitions rely on details of the topology of the Fermi surface (FS). Its experimental determination performed by traditional techniques like de Haas-van Alphen effect, magnetoacoustic effect, Compton scattering, or positron annihilation have, however, been restricted to bulk materials. All techniques in common is the indirect information on the shape of the Fermi surface. While the first two determine extremal crosssections of FS's in a plane normal to the applied magnetic field, the latter yield information on one and two dimensional projections of FS's. More complex cases, such as superlattices, heterostructures or even clean surfaces can also hardly be accessed. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has emerged as probably the most powerful tool for determining the occupied electronic band structure of solids and their surfaces. Recently, it has been extensively applied to gain insight into the topology of Fermi surfaces of a variety of materials ranging from conventional three-dimensional metals like W and Cu [1,2,3] to quasi two dimensional layered compounds [4,5,6], purple bronzes [7] and high T C cuprate materials [8,9]. The accuracy of the determination of the Fermi surface by ARPES, however, has never been questioned and it turns out that even for the extensively studied BiSrCaCuO it is not at all clear that the topology of the normal state FS shows hole-like pockets around the corners of the Brillouin zone [8,9,10] or electron-pockets around the center of the BZ [11].It is widely assumed that ARPES measures the spectral function A(k, ω) of the one-particle system times the Fermi function f (ω) and matrix elements do not play a significant role (see e.g. ref. [12,13]). This motivates studies of band dispersions, line shapes, momentum distribution functions, and Fermi surfaces. Fermi vectors have been extracted from ARPES data employing criteria like (i) maximum ARPES intensity at the Fermi level E F [1,2,7,8,14], (ii) max|∇ k | of the energy integrated photoemission intensity [4,5,15,16] or (iii) fitting ARPES peak positions over several emission angles and extrapolating the dispersion to E F [17]. However, none of these techniques explicitly considers the detailed mechanism of the photoemission process. In part...