We present a new method to engineer the charge carrier mobility and its directional asymmetry in epitaxial graphene by using metal cluster superlattices self-assembled onto the moiré pattern formed by graphene on Ir(111). Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals threefold symmetry in the band structure associated with strong renormalization of the electron group velocity close to the Dirac point giving rise to highly anisotropic Dirac cones. We further find that the cluster superlattice also affects the spectral-weight distribution of the carbon bands as well as the electronic gaps between graphene states. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.246803 PACS numbers: 73.20.Àr, 73.21.Cd, 73.22.Pr, 79.60.Ài Graphitic materials have attracted strong scientific interest because they exhibit exotic phenomena such as superconductivity or the anomalous quantum Hall effect [1]. Graphene (gr) is the building block of these materials; it is wrapped up into fullerenes, rolled up into carbon nanotubes, or stacked into 3D graphite. It presents a model system to investigate the influence of many-body interactions on the electron dynamics in these materials. In addition, the exceptional electronic mobility makes graphene a candidate material for next generation electronic devices [2]. Freestanding graphene is a zero-gap semiconductor. Because most electronic applications require a gap between valence and conduction bands, considerable effort has been spent to induce and control the opening of such a band gap [3][4][5][6].A related, and for applications equally relevant, issue is the ability to tailor the band dispersion. The speed with which information can be transmitted along a graphene layer depends on the charge carrier group velocity. Close to the K points, the bands of freestanding graphene have a linear dispersion well described by the relativistic Dirac equation for massless neutrinos. The resulting Dirac cones are trigonally warped due to the chiral nature of graphene charge carriers in the equivalent A and B carbon sublattices [7]. The ability to increase and tailor this anisotropy would open a manifold of new applications. Several theoretical studies suggest that this goal can be reached by applying an external periodic potential with nanometer period giving rise to highly anisotropic Dirac cones [8][9][10][11].Epitaxial graphene layers grown on lattice mismatched close-packed metal substrates, such as Pt (111) Here we demonstrate with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) that an Ir cluster superlattice grown on the gr=Irð111Þ-(9:32 AE 0:15 Â 9:32 AE 0:15) moiré structure [13,15] gives rise to significant group velocity and Dirac cone asymmetries. We attribute this to a much stronger periodic potential caused by the cluster superlattice than by the moiré itself. H decorated gr=Irð111Þ has been reported to give rise to band gap opening but not to the Dirac cone asymmetries reported here [6]. We thereby confirm theoretical predictions and present a new way to tailor the directionality of carrier mobilit...