Within the ideas of pseudo-supersymmetry, we have studied a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H− = ω(ξ † ξ + 1 2 ) + αξ 2 + βξ †2 , where α = β and ξ is a first order differential operator, to obtain the partner potentials V+(x) and V−(x) which are new isotonic and isotonic nonlinear oscillators, respectively, as the Hermitian equivalents of the non-Hermitian partner Hamiltonians H±. We have provided an algebraic way to obtain the spectrum and wavefunctions of a nonlinear isotonic oscillator. The solutions of V−(x) which are Hermitian counterparts of Swanson Hamiltonian are obtained under some parameter restrictions that are found. Also, we have checked that if the intertwining operator satisfies η1H− = H+η1, where η1 = ρ −1 Aρ and A is the first order differential operator, which factorizes Hermitian equivalents of H±.