The computation of one-loop corrections to Reggeon-Particle-Particle effective vertices with two scales of virtuality is considered in the framework of gauge-invariant effective field theory for Multi-Regge processes in QCD. Rapidity divergences arising in loop integrals are regulated by "tilted Wilson lines" prescription. General analysis of rapidity divergences at one loop is given and necessary scalar integrals with one and two scales of virtuality are computed. Two examples of effective vertices at one loop are considered: the effective vertex of interaction of (space-like) virtual photon with one Reggeized and one Yang-Mills quark and the effective vertex of Reggeized gluon to Yang-Mills gluon transition with an insertion of the operator tr [G µν G µν ] carrying the (space-like) off-shell momentum. All terms ∼ r ± in the rapidity-regulator variable r cancel between diagrams and only log r-divergence is left. It is checked on several examples, that obtained results indeed allow one to reproduce Regge limit of one-loop QCD scattering amplitudes.(NLLA) [28,29,30]. It is natural to ask for the systematic tool, which makes this property of QCD scattering amplitudes manifest. The gauge-invariant Effective Field Theory (EFT) for Multi-Regge processes in QCD [31,32] is such a tool. In the original papers [31,32], the Reggeization of gluon and quark was shown to hold in a framework of EFT in the LLA. Computing loop corrections in this EFT one finds a new type of divergences of loop integrals, the so-called rapidity divergences, which will be discussed in the forthcoming sections of the present paper. Similar divergences also arise in the context of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) 1 [35,36] and Transverse-Momentum-Dependent (TMD) factorization [37,38] and several prescriptions to regularize them, such as analytic regularization [35], δ-regularization [39] and "tilted Wilson lines" regularization [37,38] where introduced in the literature. Among mentioned prescriptions, only the last one does not modify the standard definition of the Wilson lines, and therefore it can be relatively straightforwardly applied to the High-Energy EFT [31,32]. First such applications where performed in the Refs. [40,41,42] where one-loop corrections to the propagator of Reggeized gluon and effective vertices of interaction of on-shell quark and gluon with one Reggeized gluon where computed in the framework of EFT, and found to be consistent with the results obtained earlier from QCD. Later, the two-loop Regge trajectory of a gluon was extracted from a rapidity-divergent part of the two-loop correction to a Reggeized gluon propagator in the EFT [43] and it coincides with known QCD result. Also, the calculation of the one-loop correction to the propagator of Reggeized quark (Q) and vertex of interaction of on-shell photon with one Reggeized and one QCD quark (Qγq-vertex) has been done in the Ref. [44] and it was shown, that this results allow one to reproduce the Multi-Regge asymptotics of the positive-signature part of the one-loop QC...