effective field theories with topological terms, starting with one-dimensional physics, and subsequently finding natural generalizations to higher dimensions.Keywords: SO(5) Wess-Zumino-Witten theory; deconfined quantum criticality; QED 3 and QCD 3 ; pseudogap phase in high Tc cuprates; nonlinear σ-model; topological term; symmetry protected topological phase.1540054-2 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2015.29. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA @ SANTA BARBARA on 08/23/15. For personal use only.
Emergent gauge fields and their nonperturbative effects in correlated electronsKondo effect) in the case of negative β-functions and (ii) Landau's Fermi-liquid theory versus Luttinger-liquid theory and quantum criticality from the Landau's Fermi-liquid state in the case of zero β-functions. Our speculation is that vertex corrections may encode the information of scattering between emergent localized excitations and itinerant electrons, where such localized excitations are identified with topologically nontrivial fluctuations, referred to as vortices in superconductivity, skyrmions in magnetism, and various forms of instantons localized even in time. Consistent introductions of vertex corrections in strongly coupled field theories mean that effects of topological excitations are incorporated into effective field theories appropriately. This scattering physics is expected to be responsible for Fermi-surface instabilities associated with orthogonality catastrophe. 6 However, the absence of vertex corrections does not mean that the role of topological excitations is not introduced. If one considers the boson-vortex duality in the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition, the perturbative renormalization group analysis based on the charge description gives essentially the same critical physics as that based on the vortex picture, 7,a implying that the information of topological excitations is introduced within the perturbative analysis.The question is when the perturbative framework fails to incorporate physics of topological excitations. Here, the perturbative framework means that a given field theory can be solved within the self-consistent random phase approximation (RPA), equivalently the 1/N σ approximation or Eliashberg theory, where only self-energy corrections are introduced self-consistently. We recall that vertex corrections are introduced self-consistently through the Ward identity in one-dimensional interacting electrons, where the resulting Green's function in the nonperturbative diagrammatic approach gives essentially the same expression as that in the bosonization framework which introduces spinons and holons explicitly, identified with topological excitations (solitons). 8 This implies that dimensionality which controls quantum fluctuations may play an important role for nonperturbative physics. We speculate that the perturbative framework may work near the upper critical dimension while it breaks down, which requires nonperturbative approaches, in low dimensions near the lower critical dimens...