We performed laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments combined with state-of-the-art electron microanalysis (focused ion beam and aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy) to study the distribution and valence of iron in Earth's lower mantle as a function of depth and composition. Our data reconcile the apparently discrepant existing dataset, by clarifying the effects of spin (high/low) and valence (ferrous/ferric) states on iron partitioning in the deep mantle. In aluminum-bearing compositions relevant to Earth's mantle, iron concentration in silicates drops above 70 GPa before increasing up to 110 GPa with a minimum at 85 GPa; it then dramatically drops in the postperovskite stability field above 116 GPa. This compositional variation should strengthen the lowermost mantle between 1,800 km depth and 2,000 km depth, and weaken it between 2,000 km depth and the D" layer. The succession of layers could dynamically decouple the mantle above 2,000 km from the lowermost mantle, and provide a rheological basis for the stabilization and nonentrainment of large low-shearvelocity provinces below that depth.iron partitioning | lower mantle | spin state | valence state | viscosity T he relative concentration (partitioning) of iron in minerals constituting mantle rocks is a critical parameter controlling their physical properties and, consequently, the dynamical properties of the mantle. In a pyrolitic mantle, the lower-mantle mineral phase assemblage consists of bridgmanite (Brg)-which transforms to postperovskite (PPv) at pressures higher than 110 GPa (1-4)-ferropericlase (Fp), and calcium silicate perovskite. Only Brg/PPv (hereafter referred to as "silicate" and abbreviated Sil) and Fp can accommodate significant amounts of iron in their structure (5). Density, elasticity, viscosity, and thermal or electrical conductivities, along with associated phase relations, melting temperatures, and relative melt/solid buoyancy, are all linked to the concentration, valence, and spin state of iron in lower-mantle minerals. The seismic observation of global-scale heterogeneities such as large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) (6, 7), and that of experimental iron spin-pairing in mantle minerals at lower-mantle depths (8, 9), has fueled a number of investigations of iron partitioning in the lower mantle (10-22).Despite remarkable advances in experimental and analytical techniques in the last two decades (Supporting Information), stark discrepancies have been reported, depending on the composition of the starting material (San Carlos olivine vs. pyrolite) and differences in iron valence (Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ ). San Carlos olivine has a molar (Mg + Fe)/Si = 2 and contains only iron as Fe
2+, whereas pyrolite has a molar (Mg + Fe)/Si = 1.4, contains Ca and Al, and contains iron as Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ (23). Therefore, the parameters controlling iron partitioning in deep mantle conditions are complex (12), and hinder any attempts to infer largescale geophysical or geochemical consequences on the mantle.To disentangle vale...