Synopsisa-Hydroxyisopropylferrocene, HPF, was synthesized in good yield and polymerized at 20°C with either SnCI, or BF3.0Et2. The polymerization proceeds by self-alkylation of the stable intermediate ferrocenylcarbenium ion on the cyclopentadienyl ring to form oligomers that contain both homoannular and heteroannular links. The unusually high stability of the a-isopropylferrocenylcarbenium ion was demonstrated by synthesizing and isolating a-isopropylferrocenylcarbenium tetrafluoborate from H P F and using it to initiate the polymerization of styrene. Initiation was successful at 20" and at 0"C, but no polymerization occurred -78°C. The condensation of ferrocene and acetone in the presence of AICI, gave oligomers having structures very similar to those obtained from the cationic polymerization of isopropenylferrocene.