Since the synthesis of ppfa (N,N-dimethyl-1-[2-(diphenylphosphino)ferrocenyl]ethylamine), described by Hayashi and Kumada in 1974 [1], there has been a growing interest in chiral bidentate ferrocene ligands. In particular, in the last 15 years an amazing number of ferrocene ligands, frequently combining central and planar chirality and P,P-(e.g., Josiphos, Walphos, BoPhoz, Taniaphos) or P,N-coordination (e.g., ppfa, phosphino ferrocenyl oxazolines, phosphino imine ferrocenes) have been developed, providing high reactivities and enantioselectivities in an ample variety of metal-mediated reactions [2]. However, in spite of the well known ability of thioethers and thiols to coordinate late transition metals, to the best of our knowledge, the first examples of enantiopure ferrocene sulfur ligands in asymmetric catalysis were not reported until 1996, independently, by Togni [3] and Albinati and Pregosin [4]. In both cases this pioneering work involved the use of a 1,2-disubstituted bidentate P,S-ferrocene ligand, derived from ppfa-type ligands, in standard Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylations.In very recent years, in parallel with the increasing interest in sulfur ligands in asymmetric catalysis [5], a variety of sulfur-containing ferrocenyl ligands (and some scattered examples of selenium related ligands) have been described by different groups and successfully employed in several asymmetric catalytic processes, although the Pd-catalyzed asymmetric alkylation continues to be the most studied reaction. In agreement with the growing interest in sulfur-containing ferrocene ligands, the first specific review on this topic has been very recently written by Bonini and Ricci [6]. In this chapter we want to give a clear view of the most significant contributions in this recent and promising field, including our own work with chiral planar 2-phosphino 1-sulfenyl ferrocenes (Fesulphos ligands), with especial focus on the results in asymmetric catalysis rather than the synthetic aspects of the preparation of the sulfur-containing ferrocene ligands.