The magnetism of
the mixed-valence high-spin cluster [Mn18SrO8(N3)7Cl(MedhmpH)12(MeCN)6]Cl2 (1) exhibiting intramolecular ferromagnetic
interactions was studied using inelastic neutron scattering (INS),
and reliable values for the exchange coupling constants were determined
based on the quality of simultaneous fits to the INS and magnetic
data. The challenge of the huge size of the Hilbert space (3 375 000)
and many exchange coupling constants (7 assuming a C
3 symmetry) generally encountered in large spin clusters
was resolved as follows: (a) The results of the restricted Hilbert
space ferromagnetic cluster spin wave theory were compared to the
experimental spectroscopic data. The observed INS transitions were
thus assigned to spin wave excitations in a bounded ferromagnetic
spin cluster and moreover could be visualized in a straightforward
way based on this theory. (b) Simultaneously, Quantum Monte Carlo
(QMC) calculations of the temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility
with the same parameter set were compared to the experimental data.
Application of state-of-the-art QMC algorithms, as available in the
open source ALPS package, in ferromagnetic clusters avoids the full
Hamiltonian diagonalization without sacrificing calculation accuracy
of the magnetic susceptibility down to the lowest temperatures, which
was crucial for the successful analysis. The combined fits revealed
two exchange-coupling models with equally good overall agreement to
the data. Our preferred model was inspired by magnetostructural correlations
and is consistent with them. The model involves three different exchange
interactions, one describing the interaction between the core MnIII spins J
14.3(1.0) K and two interactions linking the core and the peripheral
MnII spins: J
= 8.3(4) K and J
3.6(4) K. The use of open-source QMC software and our systematic approach
to fitting multiple sets of data obtained by different experimental
techniques are described in detail and are generally applicable for
understanding large ferromagnetically coupled clusters.