At any pressure sensitive quantum critical point (QCP) the thermal expansion is more singular than the specific heat leading to a divergence of the Grüneisen parameter. For a magnetic field sensitive QCP, the complementary property is the magnetic Grüneisen ratio which equals the magnetocaloric effect. Here we use both properties to investigate magnetic QCPs in different heavy fermion (HF) metals starting from CeNi 2 Ge 2 . The influence of dimensionality on quantum criticality is addressed by the comparison of cubic CeIn 3−x Sn x with layered CeMIn 5−x Sn x (M = Co, Rh) systems, in which Sn doping both acts as tuning parameter and introduces slight disorder. Near the field-tuned QCP in undoped CeCoIn 5 a crossover scale T is discovered which separates 2D (at T > T ) from 3D (at T < T ) quantum criticality. Disorder, introduced by Sn-doping, is found to increase T , stabilizing 3D behavior. We also compare the magnetic Grüneisen ratio in the approach of the field-tuned QCP in YbRh 2 Si 2 with zero-field Grüneisen parameter data on YbRh 2 (Si 1−x Ge x ) 2 (x = 0, x = 0.05). Both properties indicate quantum criticality incompatible with the predictions of the itinerant theory.