We investigate anomalous Hall effect in a magnet coupled to a triplet superconductor under phase gradient. It is found that the anomalous Hall supercurrent arises from non-trivial structure of the magnetization. The magnetic structure manifested in the Hall supercurrent is characterized by even order terms of the exchange coupling, essentially different from that discussed in the context of anomalous Hall effect, reflecting the disspationless nature of supercurrent. We also discuss a possible candidate for magnetic structure to verify our prediction.PACS numbers: 73.43. Nq, 72.25.Dc, Recently, the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism has received much attention.1-4 In ferromagnet/superconductor junctions, equal-spin triplet pairings can be generated due to spin flip scattering in ferromagnetic multilayer or inhomogeneous ferromagnet 5 , or in uniform ferromagnet with spinorbit coupling 6 . Spin-polarized supercurrent carried by equal-spin triplet pairings is a novel ingredient for spintronics applications. Recent experiments have successfully demonstrated the generation of spin-triplet pairing by observing Josephson current through strong ferromagnets.7-9 Up to now, in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, longitudinal Josephson current has been investigated.
10,11Ferromagnet/triplet superconductor junctions offer richer physics than singlet ones since triplet pairings have spin degree of freedom. The interaction between magnetism and triplet superconductivity leads to interesting phenomena such as 0-π transitions.12-17 Josephson junctions composed of triplet superconductors have been fabricated to identify the pairing symmetry of triplet superconductors.18-20 Also, a highly conducting interface between a ferromagnet SrRuO 3 and a triplet superconductor Sr 2 RuO 4 has been realized recently.
21The Hall effect in ferromagnets has been discussed intensively in the context of anomalous Hall effect.22 The anomalous Hall effect arises from non-trivial spin texture, which is associated with the spin Berry phase effect.
23-27It has been shown that the Hall conductivity stems from non-trivial spin configurations such as vector spin chirality S i × S j 28 and scalar spin chirality, where S i is a localized spin with position i. Motivated by these studies, in this paper, we investigate Hall supercurrent driven by non-trivial magnetic structure coupled to triplet superconductivity under phase gradient. Since phase is odd in time-reversal, the magnetic structure manifested in Hall supercurrent becomes essentially different from that in the anomalous Hall effect.In this paper, we study the anomalous Hall effect in a magnet coupled to a triplet superconductor under phase gradient. It is shown that the anomalous Hall supercurrent arises from non-trivial structure of the magnetization. The magnetic structure manifested in the Hall supercurrent is essentially different from that discussed in the context of anomalous Hall effect, reflecting the disspationless nature of supercurrent. We also discuss the condition of th...