Eder and Ohta have found a violation of the Luttinger rule in the spectral function for the t-t ′ -J model, which was interpreted as a possible breakdown of the Tomonaga-Luttinger(TL) description in models where electrons can pass each other. Here we have computed the spin correlation along with the spectral function for the one-dimensional t-t ′ Hubbard model and two-leg Hubbard ladder. By varying the Hubbard U we have identified that such a phenomenon is in fact a spinless-fermionlike behavior of holes moving in a spiral spin configuration that has a spin correlation length of the system size.PACS numbers: 71.10.Fd It is widely believed that the low-energy physics of a wide class of one-dimensional (1D) systems can be described as a Tomonaga-Luttinger(TL) liquid 1,2 , which is an effective theory for electrons interacting in 1D. The ansatz has indeed been shown to be valid for exactly solvable 1D models such as the Hubbard model or the supersymmetric t-J model, and also for some other models numerically. However, recently, Eder and Ohta 3 looked into the spectral function in 1D t-J model that has t ′ (t-t ′ -J model), and made a very interesting observation that the density of electrons n and Fermi momentum k F are related with k F = πn in a certain parameter regime, which is incompatible with the Luttinger relation, k F = πn/2, expected for a TL liquid, which they suggest to be an indication for a breakdown of the TL description.In order to clarify the origin of such an curious behavior, here we study the t-t ′ Hubbard model with finite values of U . The reason we have chosen the Hubbard model is that the magnetic phase diagram on the n − U plane has been obtained for the t-t ′ Hubbard model by Daul and Noack (inset of Fig.2), 4,5 so that we can identify the region on which we work. For the Hubbard model we find the same curious behavior of the spectral function. We further find that the state in question is a spiral spin state, in which the spin correlation has a wave length of the system size and thus has a local ferromagnetic nature. The curious behavior of the spectral function can be understood by a picture in which holes can hop almost freely in such a spin background as originally proposed by Doucot and Wen 7 as a trial state for finite systems to prove the instability of Nagaoka's ferromagnetism 8 . The ferromagnetic-like state naturally explains the doubling of k F into πn as a spinless-fermion-like behavior. The region over which the spiral behavior appears is indeed consistent with the phase diagram for the t-t ′ Hubbard model. In order to see if the appearance of the spiral state extends to other quasi-1D systems, we have also studied the 2-leg Hubbard ladder with U = ∞, and have found similar features as in the t-t ′ Hubbard model. The t-t ′ Hubbard Hamiltonian is given byin standard notations. Hereafter we set t = 1. First we numerically calculate, with the continued fraction expansion, the single-particle spectral function given bywhere A + (A − ) denote the electron addition (removal) spect...