S U M M A R YDairy cows were inseminated on the basis of oestrus detection alone (Control, n = 206) or in conjunction with milk progesterone profiles (Experimental, n = 204). Milk samples were taken at 4-5 day intervals to determine oestrous cyclicity and on alternate days (at strategic times) to determine the time of ovulation. Progesterone profiles were consulted routinely as an aid to oestrus detection, and also to identify and aid diagnosis of cows with reproductive disorders. Cycling cows not observed in oestrus were inseminated on the basis of their progesterone profile alone. Animals showing oestrus within 2 days of a progesterone-timed insemination were inseminated again. In Experiments 1 and 2, inseminations were given from Day 42 post partum, but AI was delayed (mean time of 68 ± 11 days after calving) in Experiment 3.The median interval from calving to first insemination was not significantly different between Experimental and Control groups, but the time of conception was earlier (P < 005) and the median calving interval shorter (P < 005) in progesterone-monitored cows in Expts 1 and 3. In addition, the percentage of cows served within 21 days of the start of the service period was greater (P < 005) in Experimental groups in Expts 1 and 2. This was reflected by an increase in the proportion (P < 005) of cows pregnant by 85 and 100 days after calving. The frequency with which the interservice interval equated to the length of the oestrous cycle was increased (P < 001) by progesterone testing (84-1 % and 53-9% in Experimental and Control cows, respectively). Conception rates did not differ significantly between groups, but the number of double inseminations (P < 0001) and thus the mean number of inseminations/conception (P < 001) were greater in progesterone-monitored cows. Conception rate was lower (P < 005) in cows that failed to show oestrus, and to the first insemination in double-inseminated cows.Progesterone testing reduced (by 44-66%, P < 001) the number of cows presented for veterinary examination and the mean time of presentation (P < 005), and also influenced the diagnosis made.