The article presents the results of studying the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on the water regime of meadow-chernozem soil, yield and oil content of flax seeds in 2022–2023. on a stationary experiment at the field forage production laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Omsk ASC” in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region. The objects of observation are oilseed flax of the Northern variety and meado-chernozem soil. The scheme of the experiment included the following options: factor A — medium soil availability of mobile phosphorus (50-100 mg/kg according to F.V. Chirikov, background 0), increased (100–120 mg/kg, background I and 140–150 mg/kg, background II), high (150– 200 mg/kg, background III); factor B — phosphorus fertilizer (P0, P60); factor C — nitrogen fertilizer (N0, N30, N60). In this case, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were superimposed on backgrounds of varying soil phosphorus supply. Climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) determined the initial reserve of total moisture in the soil when sowing oil flax, which was at the level of 82% of the lowest moisture capacity in a meter layer and did not depend on the background phosphorus supply. Mineral fertilizers increased crop productivity. Its highest yield was observed against the background of an increased supply of soil with mobile phosphorus (1.71 t/ha) with the pre-sowing application of ammonium nitrate and ammophos. The oil content of flax, on the contrary, decreased when using fertilizers. Its highest indicators (39.5%) were observed against background II when using phosphorus fertilizers.