“…However, this combination has not been applied to examine highly plant-available P as detected by DGT. Here, we demonstrate the strengths of this approach by i) spectroscopically analyzing DGT deployed in various P solutions (as references), and ii) applying this to a time-resolved investigation of trimetaphosphate (TMP) hydrolysis, a polyphosphate with a high plant-availability [13,14], in incubated Pfertilizer/soil mixtures. [8] (window size: 2.54 cm 2 ; 0.8 mm APA (polyacrylamide) diffusion layer) with ferrihydrite (Fh; thickness 0.6 mm) and zirconium oxide (ZrO; thickness 0.4 mm) binding layer (DGT Research, Lancaster, UK), respectively, were loaded with mL solutions (50 mg P/L) of various inorganic and organic P compounds (KH 2 PO 4 , D-glucose-6phosphate disodium-salt (both Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany), Ca(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 •H 2 O (ABCR, Karlsruhe, Germany), (NH 4 ) HPO 4 (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), Na 4 P 2 O 7 •10H 2 O, Na 5 P 3 O 10 , (NaPO 3 ) 3 , adenosine-5´-monophosphate Na-salt (AMP), adenosine-5´-diphosphate Na-salt (ADP), adenosine-5´-triphosphate Na-salt (ATP), adenosine-3´,5´-cyclic monophosphate Na-salt (cAMP), L-α-phosphatidylchinoline, aminomethylphosphonic acid, β-glycerophosphate Na-salt and creatine phosphate (all Alfa Aesar, Karlsruhe, Germany) and phytic acid Na-salt (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany).…”