DOI: 10.5194/gmd-12-1009-2019
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FESOM-C v.2: coastal dynamics on hybrid unstructured meshes

Abstract: Abstract. We describe FESOM-C, the coastal branch of the Finite-volumE Sea ice – Ocean Model (FESOM2), which shares with FESOM2 many numerical aspects, in particular its finite-volume cell-vertex discretization. Its dynamical core differs in the implementation of time stepping, the use of a terrain-following vertical coordinate, and the formulation for hybrid meshes composed of triangles and quads. The first two distinctions were critical for coding FESOM-C as an independent branch. The hybrid mesh capability … Show more

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Cited by 44 publications
(52 citation statements)
References 45 publications
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“…Our analysis showed that the weather conditions (wind speed and direction) 1 day or hours before the measurement correlate to the SPM amount in the water column. We are currently working on modeling the SMP dynamics in Potter Cove coupled with FESOM-C (Androsov et al, 2019), which will be used for future SDMs in Potter Cove. This new analysis shows that meteorological conditions on the day before the measurement strongly influence spatial SPM concentrations in Potter Cove surface waters (Neder and Fofonova, unpublished data).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Our analysis showed that the weather conditions (wind speed and direction) 1 day or hours before the measurement correlate to the SPM amount in the water column. We are currently working on modeling the SMP dynamics in Potter Cove coupled with FESOM-C (Androsov et al, 2019), which will be used for future SDMs in Potter Cove. This new analysis shows that meteorological conditions on the day before the measurement strongly influence spatial SPM concentrations in Potter Cove surface waters (Neder and Fofonova, unpublished data).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…An analysis of satellite data and in situ suspended matter data (Schartau et al, 2019) supports the model results by showing sharper gradients along the southern Wadden Sea than along the northern Wadden Sea. However, further model analyses including a quantification of transport rates based on multidecadal runs performed on higher resolution setups (see e.g., Gräwe et al, 2016;Androsov et al, 2019;Stanev et al, 2019) are needed to better understand the relative contribution of estuarine circulation and direct river inputs on the maintenance of horizontal gradients within the Wadden Sea.…”
Section: Limiting Factors Of Phytoplankton Growth In the Wadden Seamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…at the open boundary. Details of open boundary implementation are described by Androsov et al (2019). Open boundary conditions based on observations improved model results in terms of mean salinity.…”
Section: Open Boundary For Temperature Salinity and Elevationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…As a result, one must confine oneself to the case where it is enough to set the water level at the open boundary and to equate tangential velocity at the inflow to zero, if possible. Another simplified method, used in this simulation is to use a cutoff function whereby advection and diffusion are not computed at the boundary and the second boundary condition is not set at the inflow (Androsov et al (1995(Androsov et al ( , 2019).…”
Section: Open Boundary For Temperature Salinity and Elevationmentioning
confidence: 99%