The secondary extinction theory of Zachariasen for mosaic crystals as well as the formalism of Becker&Coppens have been used for substructure analysis (lattice disorientations, block size, density of excess dislocations, etc.) in crystals with inhomogeniously distributed dislocations in the Bragg case of diffraction geometry. In the case of large crystals D S >>Λ hkl the mean total density ρ D of randomly distributed dislocations was also estimated taking into account additionally the primary X-ray extinction treatment. In this connection two cases are considered: I) pure secondary extinction related to arrangement of dislocation walls and II) mixed extinction in crystals with large subgrains related to randomly distributed dislocations and arrangement of dislocation walls. In order to check the considerations, the experimental and calculated data were compared for Be (model I) and Cu (model II) single crystals. The weakly distorted single crystals of Be and Cu were experimentally investigated in the Bragg case of diffraction geometry using Cu Kα 1 radiation by means of double crystal diffractometer. A new experimental procedure was proposed. Using alternative technique for substructure analysis (for instance EBSD) the reliability of analysis based on extinction phenomenon in weakly distorted single crystals has been checked.